Mission Statement
To nurture excitement for learning about agriculture through education in animal and botanical sciences. Our plan is to promote leadership qualities within our members and encourage a positive outlook on the future with confidence in public speaking, gained from participation in FFA events.
Student Leaders
Chapter PresidentScarlett SampinoMy favorite thing in the world is FFA! Some other things about me is I have 2 dogs, I ride horses, I do gymnastics, and my favorite food is dumplings!My future goal is to own my own Veterinarian hospital that is welcome to typical and exotic pets! I strive to be a leader and role model for younger FFA members!
Chapter PresidentBreanna RosmarinMy future career goal is to become a livestock veterinarian. My SAEs include livestock care and showmanship, veterinary sciences, and work on a farm. I am also a 4-H member where I show animals. I am a member of our school's speech and debate team and love to race BMX/mountain bike in my free time.
Chapter Vice PresidentDenisse SarmientosI'm a senior and love to engage with all of our chapter members. Some things about me is I love summer/fall. I strive to develop as a leader and to learn skill that can be used in the future.
Chapter Vice PresidentEmily CorsaroI am a senior who plans to go into college to study animal science. I love animals and hope to work with them in the future. I also figure skate competitively and am captain of our schools color guard.
Chapter SecretaryJumana AbdelmalekI would like to pursue a career in anesthesiology when I'm older. I am a part of FTHS's NHS. I try to be a good role model and leader in my community and help everyone. I enjoy volunteering at my church and spending time cleaning and helping the elders in the church.
Chapter SecretaryJoyce MikhailI am a Junior in high school and when I entered this program, I was on my way to pursuing a job in the veterinary field. When I started to become more involved, I realized this program had more to offer; it showed me areas of work that include environmental as well as the animal. My options on my future expanded, and I was offered more opportunities than I could ever ask for to narrow down what I would like my future to look like. So far, I have narrowed it down to a veterinarian or something like a biomedical engineer. FFA has also allowed for me to look furthermore into my future by giving us opportunities like attending CDEs and State Convention. These all assisted in discovering my future.
Chapter HistorianZehra SheikhI am a junior at Freehold Township High School. I love working with animals and volunteering at horse stables has shown me that I want to pursue a career in medicine. Through my SAEs, I've seen people healing animals and I've been able to establish connections with caretakers. From this, I've learned that I enjoy connecting with people and I want to become a nurse practitioner.
Chapter ParliamentarianSasha NudelmanI am a Junior and I joined the program because I love working with animals and learning about the environment. I volunteer at a dog shelter and grow some vegetables in my backyard garden. Not only does this program offer agricultural aspects, but also has helped me develop my leadership qualities.
Chapter SentinelAllyson GambacortaI am a Junior in high-school whose future career goal is Agricultural Microbiology. I want to strive to help become a leader within the FFA community and my own community. I hope to create close bonds within FFA and work together with others in new experiences
Chapter SentinelAmelia RagusanoIn the future, I hope to work in conservation hopefully at a national park. I do dance and love to volunteer for local causes like beach cleanups and making sandwiches for a church. I also have a dog!
Chapter ReporterJacob BabichI am a senior who enjoys everything agriculture and am looking to mix agriculture with my engineering intrests in college. I do boy scouts on the side and am one of the prominent leaders in my troop. Aswell I am a car enthusist. I am looking foward to help younger FFA members learn what FFA is all about.
Chapter ReporterKayleigh ChanI am a junior at FTHS and joined FFA because I enjoy learning about and working with animals. I am looking to pursue biology, and maybe specifically marine biology as a future career path. Some things besides animal science that I like include music, art, volleyball, the ocean, and space.
Program Vision Statements
Increasing participation within our FFA Chapter
Increasing membership of our FFA Chapter
Getting the school/community more aware of the FFA
Fundraising more money for our FFA Chapter
Growing future leaders
Student Committees
CommitteeCommittee Summary and Objectives
Growing Leaders - Leadership
Chair: Scarlett Sampino
Growing Leaders - Personal Growth
Chair: Breanna Rosmarin
Building Communities - Citizenship
Chair: Scarlett Sampino
Building Communities - Environmental
Chair: Breanna Rosmarin
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Advocacy
Chair: Breanna Rosmarin
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Literacy
Chair: Denisse Sarmientos

Friday, March 14, 2025

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